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First Magyc: Guardians of the Path Book 1

Nicole DragonBeck


Fantasy, New Adult

An ancient Prophecy. A girl with a mysterious power. Will she save magyc, or destroy it? If a door suddenly appeared in your apartment building, would you open it? Ria - a perfectly normal twelve year old girl - is hesitant to do so, but the ethereal song spilling from behind the door persuades her to help the Guardian who is trapped behind the door and between worlds. She discovers a land of magyc and music which feels strangely familiar, and gets entangled in the Guardians' search for the missing pieces of the Amber Torch. This tale starts with Ria, but it's up to all those who keep the Path - Guardians, Witches, assassins, and even Death Himself - to save magyc. Can they find a way to work together and change the fate of their world before it's too late? For fans of the Lord of the Rings, The Forgotten Realms, The Shannara Chronices, Earthsea, and Uprooted.

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