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Nanny Reimagined : New York Nanny Series : Book 2

Tani Hanes

New Adult, Romance

Book two of the New York Nanny series finds Mouse preparing for graduation from NYU as she, Henry and Leo prepare for a wedding, and becoming a family at last. A pregnancy, and kindergarten for Leo, and many changes are on the horizon for the Gardeners. Following a romantic honeymoon in Bora Bora, however, they’re hit with devastating news that rocks their fledgling family to its foundations, and threatens its very existence. A partially closed door and a conversation overheard at an inopportune moment cause a cataclysm of events that end in what could be tragedy for poor Leo and his frantic parents. Mouse and Henry find out at all the love and romance in the world can’t solve everything, and Leo finds out how important it is to have real life friends that he can count on in a pinch.

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